“Silence is very powerful.
Just not saying anything is already a powerful statement.”
Read instead…in print #33
Harry Dean Stanton: Hollywood’s Zen Rebel is a soulful approach to the life and career of one of Hollywood’s most fascinating actors. Not a star, but the actor by métier who hated labels and was very gifted with dialogue and words yet often spoke more with his eyes and utilised the power of silence in both his acting and his life. Author Joseph B. Atkins has the ability to capture in his writing that naturalness and innocence that defined Harry Dean, according to David Lynch, that sense of wonder that shaped his reality, never losing sight of his authentic self, forever young even when his whole life showed on his face in the twilight of his life.
“If he doesn’t talk, convert that into melody.
With Harry Dean, it’s all in his face.”
Ry Cooder
Read instead… in print is about a good book about cinema or filmmakers. No discursive, pretentious analyses, no verbose scrutiny. Because the idea is to invite you to read the book, not read about it here. But instead of using social media, I use my journal. Back to basics. Take it as a wish to break free of over-reliance on social media (even if it’s just for posting a photo of a good book) for presenting my work, cultural finds and interests. These are things to be enjoyed as stand-alone pieces in a more substantial and meaningful way than showing them in the black hole of Instagram thronged with an audience with a short attention span. This is also a look through my voluminous collection of books about film that I use as research in my adamant decision to rely less and less on the online and more on more on print materials.