Photo: Classiq Journal
A good surfer…
Shares wax
Doesn’t geotag lesser-known waves
Knows there’s more to life than beers, barrels and BBQs
May also enjoy beers, barrels and BBQs
Is a respectful traveler
Has a towel
Remembers when they started surfing
Borrows wax
Borrows towels
Knows when to speak up
Takes care of their waste and coastline
Is a benefit to their community
Helps grins get waves (but not too many)
Ain’t that grump out the back
Gives good lineup advice
Remembers this is fun
Takes care of their community
Doesn’t care for lists like these
Acknowledges their fellow humans
Aren’t a danger
Knows the rules
Can repair dings
Can appreciate all surf craft
Supports their local shaper
Picks up trash
May track sand into your car
Surfs as much as time allows
%*$*ing loves surfing
As seen in Waves & Woods. It’s an independent magazine about earth and ocean, travel and culture, the sea and the culture of surfing. Whether you are a surfer or not, it’s a nourishing reading for a well-cultured and well lived life, from dawn till dusk. It’s about a mindset and free spirit, a way of living, intentional and very present, conscious of our surroundings. It’s about people, about movers, about travellers, about artists, each in their own way. It’s about using your own creativity, your own sense of freedom. It’s about life stories. They just live them.